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The Heresy Test

According to Robert M Bowman (an anti-cult author), a heresy is defined as a doctrine which is erroneous in such a way that Christians must divide themselves as a church from all who teach or accept it; those adhering to heresy are assumed to be lost, although Christians are unable to make definitive judgments on this matter. The opposite of orthodoxy.

In short, heresies are dangerous teachings that are not from the Bible and may corrupt the beliefs of members of the Church. Are there any heresies in what you believe today? Check this test out:

                The Heresy Test


1) The Polytheism Test:
Do you believe in more than one God?
Yes No

2) The Arianism Test
Do you believe that Jesus is a created being?
Yes No

3) The Gnosticism Test:
Do you believe someone who says he has seen God?
Yes No

4) The Modalism Test:
Do you thank the Father for dying on the cross?
Yes No

5) The Unitarian Test
Do you believe that only Jesus is God?
Yes No

6) The Dualism Test:
Do you believe that the Holy Spirit is inferior to the Father and Son?
Yes No

7) The Restoration Movement Test:
Do you believe that Jesus cannot return until the Church rules the earth?
Yes No

8) The Baptismal Regeneration Test:
Do you believe that baptism is part of your salvation?
Yes No

9) The Word-Faith Movement Test
Do you believe that if you need something, simply speak it into existence?
Yes No

10) The Toronto Blessing Test:
Do you believe in holy laughter?
Yes No

To know more about heresies and how to discern them you can read the article by Robert M Bowman titled "A Biblical Guide To Orthodoxy and Heresy".